Motivations for Nurses to Work Harder

Nurses work in a high-pressure environment for many hours serving the needs of the patients and other medical staff.  It can be uninspiring nurses who feel that nobody appreciated their efforts.

 It is essential for CEOs, unit leadership, nurse manager and even other nurses to show their appreciation for the role that everyone in nursing department performs to ensure the wellbeing of patients and supporting other medical to perform their duties.

Nurses work in different environments, but the employer and those in leadership can support any nurse in the following ways:

  1. Reward results

Nurses are like other employees who nursing essay topics want a form of reward for achieving goals and outcomes. The prize does not mean something expensive to the employer because a simple act of giving them better working conditions will make them happy.   People find it motivating when they anticipate something after a well-done job.  It is also motivational to commemorate the achievement of long-term goals with a significant event like an awards ceremony or dinner.  Events help staff to nursing assignment examples relive the steps to achieving a goal. Emotions relating to success usually become motivators for future achievements.

  1. Provide essential support

Employers and supervisors should assess what their nurses need to achieve their goals to anticipate their support needs. Examples of support that nurses require to perform better are additional training, technology equipment, financial assistance and time for practicing skills. Anticipating the support that nurses might need and discuss it is a sign of support for their success.   Employers can build a foundation for loyalty because nurses will trust you if you are there when they require your attention.

  1. Regularly ask for feedback
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 If you supervise nurses, it is essential to ask for their feedback frequently as you can. The best way to get their feedback is to encourage an open discussion with everyone on the team about daily challenges on issues around practice including:

  • Patient care
  • Hospital and work environment
  • Any other stressful problem that hinders smooth working

Some of the circumstances might not be right for providing feedback hence it is essential to offer different ways of expressing ideas. The positive, proactive approach that discourages unproductive complaining will help to mine information. You can, for instance, learn about the most frequent challenges through suggestion boxes, surveys (monthly or quarterly) and performance reviews. Steer your request for feedback positively by also going beyond asking for nurses views regarding solutions.

  1. Allow nurses in leadership.

It is essential to allow nurses to engage nurses in leadership. It gives them an opportunity for demonstrating and experiencing leadership in their area of specialist regularly.  You gradually introduce nurses to leadership by asking them to lead department meetings, staff meetings or research about the current medical trends.

You can inspire nurses personally by reinforcing desirable behaviors and achievements with data, graphs and personal notes specifying how each person has been impacting outcome for him or her, the entire team and institution. It makes the person feel that someone is noting they make a difference and the ways they do it.