Web Push Notifications Explained

Unless you’ve been avoiding the Internet for the past few years, you’ve probably come across little alert style messages on your desktop screen corner called web push notifications. They’re relatively new if you compare them to some old-school tools like email, but quite a lot of businesses have already implemented them into their digital marketing strategy.

Why, you ask ?

Well, because they’re pretty damn effective.

Web push notifications are hard to miss since they quite literally can cut through all the noise and users don’t even have to be on your website to receive them (if they’ve agreed to receive push messages from you).  Much better than sending out emails that most likely end up in the spam folder or simply get ignored, right? Sending push messages is a faster and more effective way to communicate, but to do that, users first have to agree on receiving them. After they’ve agreed, you can start sending them messages.

Web Push Notifications Explained

If you haven’t implemented web push notifications yet, here’s a guide explaining how you can do it.

If you combine a good strategy with great copy and visuals, web push notifications can bring amazing results for your business. There are a few key tips to keep in mind you’re creating your web push notifications, including:

  • Timing & Frequency

There’s no one golden rule for how much push notifications and what times you should send – you have to know your audience. Monitor each push notification you send to gain data and insights about what times your audience responds best and what frequency is best. For some businesses sending 1 push message per week might be enough and sending more might only annoy their audience, yet for others a more aggressive strategy will be just fine.

When it comes to timing, remember to schedule messages according to the timezone your audience is in so you don’t interrupt their sleep or send them messages at their busiest time when they’re least likely to get attention. Test sending push notifications at different times to see when is the best time and stick to it.

Remember – what gets measured, gets improved.

  • Send Custom Messages

People won’t waste their time reading irrelevant messages and they will most likely unsubscribe if you keep sending them. To avoid this, you can segment your audience based on their interests & purchase history.

Only send something that will benefit the user, otherwise you risk losing them. Once you’ve lost their trust and they decide to unsubscribe, it’s very unlikely that they will ever come back to you.

  • Keep the message short, simple & engaging

Web push notifications are small and their main component is text, so you have to write the message in a way that will get the user’s attention. Always remember to add a clear CTA like “Shop now” or “Learn more”.

Here are some good examples of web push notifications from Maxtraffic:

Web Push Notifications Explained

This is my personal favorite – notice how good the targeting is. A message like this is highly relevant and benefits the person receiving it.

Here’s another great example with an eye-catching picture and clear CTAs:

Web Push Notifications Explained

If you have a blog, here’s an example of how you can promote your content with web push notifications:

Web Push Notifications Explained


There are a ton of different ways you can use web push notifications in order to boost user engagement and drive sales. You should definitely give them a try and see how they can benefit your business.

What do you think about them ? Do you find them helpful & engaging or quite the opposite?