Benefits of Lean Six Sigma

When lean manufacturing methods are combined with six sigma, what you get could be beneficial to your business.  Six sigma is a methodology that helps your business to get rid of defects in its production phases and the nature of Lean is to make it “quicker”.  Defects are essentially items or things that are out customer specifications.  Six Sigma can be used for both new and existing procedures.  By implementing lean six sigma, your company will gain these benefits.

Customer retention

The lean six sigma strategy helps to keep clients.  This happens because the strategy aims at fostering customer satisfaction.  Your company will implement all of the strategies to reduce the amount of dissatisfied clients.  Knowing the merchandise features, which are crucial to customer satisfaction, and doing your best to improve them may achieve this by reducing defects.

Appropriate time management

Lean six sigma principles may also help employees to manage their time well.  Your employees are most likely to become more productive because this strategy focuses on three crucial areas that are learning, performance and satisfaction.  For instance, when discussing the performance aspect, the six sigma consultant will wish to learn how each practice is assisting employees to reach their professional goals.  Better practices could be designed to make employees happier and offer a better work-life-balance by creating their procedures lean and help them complete more work quicker.

Focus on your tactical vision/plan

When you think of a vision and mission for your company, the next step is to perform a SWOT analysis and learn how to make sure you realize your strategic vision.  By implementing lean six sigma, you’re more likely to place strategies that will allow you to achieve your eyesight because this strategy mainly focuses on regions of improvement.  You can use lean six sigma to improve yields within your own organization.  Additionally, to remove unnecessary complicated internal procedures and preserve low-cost production.

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Better management of providers

Among the main reasons why lean six sigma has been implemented in several companies is the fact that it will help to reduce the amount of providers and consequently the probability of defects.  Suppliers can influence your defect rate because they also make changes in their machines and procedures so that it’s best to keep the numbers in a minimum.  When guideline Lean Six Sigma applied within a provider organization, you can get tremendous cost and timeline benefits that add to your merchandise.

There are some consulting companies who have worked with several OEMs to achieve success results concerning defect reduction and decreasing cycle times of production.  These manufacturing companies implement Lean Six Sigma in phases and ensure that they reap the advantages.  Also when you take this app to providers they in-turn improve the elements quality and increase the overall reliability of the final product.  It’s highly recommended to plan and implement a plan or Lean Six Sigma deployment to your organization and your providers.